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that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉



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Atascosa-3 Anonymous 05/03/2023 (Wed) 00:20:18 No. 7344
Post them wins y’all
Blah blah blah, just scroll on fag
Don't post these busted bitches
Post one attractive woman plz
That's impossible in this thread
Any Amanda Salazar?
K.h any more? Who has April sot0?
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Sorry this goes with the txt
Bump for 7453
Alexi Guerra AG and her 40dd’s
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Bump Kayla lop3z
Kayla , nice , I’ll see if I have any of her, thanks for sharing
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Same deal as last time. First one to pick a name and I’ll post her. Maybe not all depending on the amount but they’ll be good ones 😂
🤔, Zenaida wins
Just the ones that have already been on here. Not a good choice
It’s videos. I can post on the video section
^^ it’s videos
Cool, thanks. That one guy was looking for more Sam Mayhall
FYI, if y’all post to video section plez let anons know you’re going to do so, page tends to move them to private not long after, as a way to hopefully get more ppl to pay , sub . Thanks, lessss goooo lol
Bump Kayla or April s big tits!
Where is Sam? Sorry I’m blind 😅
🤣.. he hasn’t posted anything yet, was letting him know that someone was looking for her wins
Just uploaded 2 of Jasmine. The others are too short but they’re not much anyway
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Any Kass A? I used to have some of her
Bump kassandra a
I know this is a long shot but does anyone know how to recover rar. Files from old SD card if so I have a shit load to post! Js
Bored on this Friday night 🤷🏻‍♂️😅, someone bless us with Esmeralda Cant**** or someone new and I’ll bless the page with Sam mayhall, abbii, MV , la 🌙 wins and a vid from each one (will be posted in vid section) that some have been asking for. Also an oddball one I been looking for , anyone have Lisa Luna wins
Jordan twerk video uploaded into anon video section.
Jordan playing with her 🐱
Liz doggy style
Destinee Danae has wins??post!
Some destine Danae would be badass! 💯
Nah, Drstinee well more of her will be dropped when ppl actually start sharing to this thread as well. The other thread already dying from nothing but requests
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Alexandria Garcia and Ariel Trevino
Lmao,, damn you're desperate huh asking for these hoes across several threads
Was like 2 threads
2 too much, simp
Any hoes from the 903?
And why would 903 hoes be on here lol
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Sandra F
Any Emily Perez?
I’ve got a short video but can’t post that here. -AV

You know how to get to me :)
And before the same guy comes in and says I’m a beggar. I posted Sandra. Nobody has shared since then. Gotta get this in early before he shows up 😂
🥱 well we already know he ain’t got shit, if he did he could post it in Anon video area. This be another dude who knows you ain’t got shit, one win dropped, wow. Thread is dead my guy, and you acting like you’re about to save it with a short vid is hilarious . Ppl be living in other ppls head, this dude is proof
There he is
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Just to shut you up ❤️
It’s too short which is why you can’t post up on here, if you edit it in 👻 using slow motion it’ll double the time to 6 **** which is the minimum length required to post a video . Idk Emily but nice tits
Either way posting in the video section is pointless. They lock it after a day and not like we can search for it. That’s why I’d rather give it away on snap for something else
Yep, couldn’t agree more. WE don’t make it private, the admins do, ppl need to understand that part . I don’t post videos anymore because of that bs
This new layout sucks but where y’all at? I posted Emily already
>>7344 >>7344 Wya tho here I am
How about you post instead of begging asshole
How about posting something me or someone else hasn’t already posted on the board or this thread lol. I posted this hoe on here weeks-months ago
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Kel$ey $cofield
Anyone ever post S4M M4YH4a11 yet? She was looking pretty damn good on SC today lol
Who hasn’t seen her wins, we have posted her several times but this thread is dead, so meh not sharing anymore of her or any1 else for that matter
>>9661 I’ve seen them all. Just lost em when I got a new phone lol. What you want for it bro?
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Any new Zenaida or Alexi Guerra titty wins, I’ll drop a Kendall G win maybe a Frances Leon win if you’re into that tatted up hoe lol
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Does anyone have Bailey Luckman?? Please say somebody does?
“Somebody does”, there I said it. Yall need to post something if you’re gonna ask for shit. It’s always the same few of us dropping shit while y’all just ask
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>>10009 I mean I have a little something guess it’s better than nothing lol damn my bad!
Has anyone seen mollie Garcia’s only fans yet
>>10010 Thats definitely still NOTHING if clothes are still involved. Gtfoh
>>10034 I follow but haven’t bought anything. Buddy of mine bought some tho. She still has a nice body
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>>10047 $7 for a short video of her holding them. Definitely isn’t worth it rn
I’ll trade pics of mollie for keandra or he sister
Post or stfu
What’s embarrassing?
This ain’t a chat, post wins instead of asking for shit
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>>9914 I’ve got some teleisha. Here’s Katelyn b, Morgan L, Veronica G,and Leanna R. And as always a _ Vasquez 14351 for more
Funny how all the guys saying this isn’t a chat and post or shut up seem to disappear when stuff is actually posted. I shared some so someone else should and we’ll keep it going
Stfu bitch
>>10338 Nvm. There you are. 😂 and still haven’t shared. You’re the problem with this thread. Not the people requesting. All you wanna do is see what others have cuz you can’t get any. It’s ok man I’ll still share 😘
Nobody is here my guy. All this chat and begging is exactly why nobody posts. If you’re gonna post do so, if not scroll on . Nobody cares about this calling ppl out bs. You’re as big a problem as anyone else you’re “calling out”.
I did post. If you’re not then don’t even say anything and enjoy what I share. No point in complaining or talking mess if you’re not gonna share yourself
>10343 my comment wasn’t aimed at you, appreciate the share of wins, unfortunately nobody else has bothered thus it being like it is. Many of us myself included used to post, ppl just complained and or asked for “moar” and do you have her and her or post so n so instead etc. . The redhead with piercings works at Verizon btw.
I got plenty and still get plenty, but like I said why bother posting on here anymore. If you want to try and revive this thread then go for it . But many of us are out. Good luck.
>>10346 Cool. You’re out. Stop commenting then when others do. Thanks
Bruh sayin he gone keep sharing yet he only shared a few but says hit him up on snap. So you gone post or what, or just keep saying stuff about everybody else like you be running this thread. Telling people to stop commenting, bruh be on some type shit
Dude drops like what, 5 wins and thinks he all cool n shit, lulz. Says he is gonna keep sharing, where they at, oh that’s right, you said hit you up on snap. Post or stfu my guy. You’re not a real one, you got wins from trading acting like you’re an OP, FOH. You a big reason OP’s be leaving and left
Lock this thread up already, or delete like you did the other 830 ones.
Dead Thread & punk as who think he be running it after dropping 4 wins and his username lulz
RIP 830 thread 🫡
StOp CoMmEnTiNg WhEn OtHeRs Do, what a faggot lulz
Dead thread, lock it up
>>10356 😂 real cute talking to yourself.
>>10358 >>10358 and the sad part is I know exactly who you are. The same one that’s been crying since the beginning. Rusty. That’s how I know you’re the cry baby in this situation 😘 stay hurt baby girl you don’t bother me at all with your words
Not even gonna read all that chat bs. This thread be dead Frfr
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Whenever peeps ain’t arguing on here 🤣, any on this ho3
>>10363 I don’t personally but I can ask the group I’m in 👍🏽
Much appreciated 🙏🏼
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I’ll drop a few of her if someone drops Esmeralda Cantu, Lexi Guerra wins would be good but that’s prob never gonna happen
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Happy Birthday to this ho3
Joy kory rox
Bo cass. Looking for more Bo
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Anything new from her, she’s chilled a lot since getting her bf
>>10458 U do know u can load vids on this site
>>10467 not on They Stay on there. Every vid I posted is still on there
wins>wins one for one or if you want someone in particular . Don’t waste my time n I won’t waste yours
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Here’s a new one of Bo. Also looking to see if there’s anything on Alyssa. Loves to show off that tight body on IG but that might be it.
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Here’s a new one of Bo. Also looking to see if there’s anything on Alyssa. Loves to show off that tight body on IG but that might be it.
>>10493 You have a finsta?
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>>10494 Forgot Bo
Julieanna_78 wins >wins
>>10494 >>10499 Can’t use the ghost rn. But if you got igg then I can get with you on there
Rdennett12 Finsta for those wondering
>>10501 Alxs
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Mollie Salinas
