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that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉



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Victoria Texas Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 17:46:36 No. 5898
Post your Victoria tx wins
Who’s that
Any wins of Lupita Baladez?
Don't be posting that nasty ass shit 🤢🤮
Where's ur wins then? Bump
Any Taylor M (C/O 2018) or Mikayla B (C/O 2017)?
Ashley Ann
Anyone cop more?
Anymore of mercedes ?
Nobody gonna want to post to see more this sad shit. 🤮 >>6722
Try to bring the thread up not kill it .
Makes me not makes me want keep what I have.
Who has Zenaida?
I have Ashley Ann lol she’s easy and desperate for attention lol
Drop a few ill drop more of her alsk
Damn she's fine, name?
Anyone have Lauren R or Ashleigh L
What about norma c?
Lupita now post Emily G or Ashley ann
Any more of Christon?
Does that scarlett chick still put out content? If so where can i find her? Been trying
>6785 is all cap, they keep changing their story across the threads to get you to subscribe 😂 . Don’t do it y’all ,Kys scammer pos
Niggas retarded ass OF ain’t making it go to mickie ds with them empty pockets lmao
Ashley Ann

Post more Mercedes
Bump more Mercedes or Ashley Ann
Anyone have Heather Ashleigh from victoria
Yes please!
Heard heather Ashleigh has nice titties
Bro nobody is going post her with all this talkin. I got other dirty Vic hoes to share so stfu
Heather Ashleigh?
All these of other bitches and no one has heather Ashleigh?
Shut up about heather. She cheats so talk 2 her cuz she fuks every type
Heather cheats? I didn’t know she has a bf. Wym She fuks every type. Who’s her cousin? I heard she sucks good dick..
All these Victoria bitches cheat.
Sabrina G vid
Damn, can’t post gifs, can’t post l!nks, can’t even use certain words without triggering shit
>6905 this ain’t a chat room, post wins or stfu
Thiis guy mad we asking for heather he must be her bf. LOL I wanna see them but titties too bro share them LOL
He@ther @shleighs dude is a bitch. She runs him over. But yes she is a damn good fuck. Bad ass body
Damn cant post shit on here
Anymore of sabrina ? Im tryin to post some but keep gettin error
ur picture size may be 2 big try putting large instead of actual size
You’ll get error if you try posting gif or video here , you have to post video in their video upload menu area. I just crop the photo and try or edit it in Snapchat the try and upload, seems to work sometimes
>6921 lol, we’re all trying to see hoes in here, still not a chat room. Ask for wins, don’t make a whole damn convo about it
You fucked heather? You don’t have any wins from her?
Screenshots and older Sabrina
Stfu don’t nobody wanna post her bc of you
That’s dumb af. U sound a lil sensitive about ppl asking for her lol u in love share bro lol
We here to share not beg someone that isn’t gonna be posted .
Post wins
Stfu with the chattin.
Is there any way to get those videos of sabrina they are all private ?
Anybody know who woman is?? Last pic of second to last new bundle
Any on her? Names roselynn
Any wins on amanda ?
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Ewww she's a meth head. She been around in corpus also
Oh Roselynn would be nice too see
Why tf waste time posting these?
Cuz I posted a lot an maybe I'd like to know if any one has them
I'm sorry I thought if you post 10+ pics you could ask for one or two some them girls was ugly but someone ask i took the challenge and got the nudes my bad you ain't posting an too ugly to get new one you SmallD ass niiga
Damn you got those out of a challenge? Get nudes from heather Ashleigh… I want to see those TITTIES
Damn go get them yourself beggar
How can anyone in here call anyone a better
Shot if someone can get them easier I want to see too
all I'm saying is I put 10 +out there if you can try lianE or Rosslyn E or the jo Nicole if you think you can I tried didn't work
Well now try heather Ashleigh. I tried didn’t work.
Bro still asking 4 heather pathetic & u can’t say after posting 10 pics when every pic is tha same 4rm yrs ago
Pathetic? but everyone on here trying to see someone and I wanna see her. Dude acting like he runs the website.. so yeah shit i wanna see heathers sexy ass.
Seems like no one can get heathers wins someone has to have then I’m sure she sending someone nudes..
Well the jo Nicole one I was asking for is hot an I got close same with roselynn both single an kinda easy I just had more then one girl they don't like that but you an this heather wtf your creepy trying on all the sites like wtf she even look like or profile your trying to hard your probably an ex or a staker or a cousin what did you even post
R.I.P. thread, dude is right, nothing but simps, beggars and chatters on here
Ooo the thread **** is here lmao fuck boy 7035
Lost her shit bro got more?
Or more Ashley Annn?
I posted some val and gina delgarza but the thread got deleted i guess cus they gone
>>7042 they switch up between 2 versions , when they switch back over her wins should still be there.. >7038 don’t get your pussy all hurt cause I’m speaking truths lol
Anyone still got them Kayla V wins??
Does anyone know the other site like this??
Look at the bottom
Where can I see that christon video
There's a app for android let's you screen re**** an they don't know an any other last too roselynn E an jo nicole
Any Alexis Longoria ?
Lesley F got a $50 private snap who gots it? 😂
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Anymore Pamela A
Appreciate the Sabrina wins, thanks for sharing
Any more Val V out there?
Who's the girl with glasses an the pink glasses an the with the yellow thong she black ?
Cue the beggars… smh
Name the sexy thick hoes yall wanna see naked let's play a game try an get the wins
More of Sabrina G would be cool, I posted some of her but would love to see kore of her nonetheless lol
More of Heather Ashleigh would be nice!!
Alyssa h
Any wins of Jennifer Pena
Got excited when i saw Alyssa H but that shit looks photo edited asfff, you can see the **** all the way around the body where a different pic got put in 😂😂😂👎🏽
Yup knew it was a fake! Post some real shit instead of spending hrs on a weak ass edit smh
Wow how pathetic
That was leach move with the fake.
Killed this thread ion wanna post anymore bitches myself foh
That shit pissed me off
Any more or Taylor W
I got celes Rangel
Why say I got so n so, if you got em post em 🤷🏻‍♂️
Totally agree That's why there's the same Ole shit everytime…old ass pics and beggars!
ADd $nap larajohn6969
Literal case of pictures or it didn’t happen
No way you got celes
If you have Celeste I will post Jasmine nicole Alexis Solis syl-vinna Helena an alyssa for celes or jo nicole
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Post the shit or keep moving
Anybody know Celestes Sc?
celestensanchez is her $nap
Need those
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Ashl3y V ,Ashl3y R0se on FB
Anymore of sabrina granado? Or valerie?
Whole place is dead from ppl asking for “moar” , any more, any , any ……. We all knew beggars would be the death of this place .
The fake nude killer tbh
Find the **** for the shape and add this. You’re welcome
Nobody cares asshole, take your Abby miller bs elsewhere
How do we use the ****?
Any wins Sarah Delgado
Call me or anyone else on here any name you want but I don’t lock them or make them private, admins do that shit. Was gonna offer to share by other means but nah, next time don’t come off being such a dick
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Some Brina screenshots from just a few vids , this ain’t even her crazy shit either , money talks with this hoe lol
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8****4 - you must have a pussy being in yo feelings like that
Any gabby ortiz
Blah blah blah, this isn’t a chat room faggot, post wins . Say all ya want, calling ppl pussies cause he can’t get what he wants lol. Let me get back to watching this hoe riding her dildo 😂
Stay in the 830 thread cringe boy
Wanna watch me ride it
Anyone have chae lynn she’s a huge slut
looking for w on maria used to work at Navarro mcd's thick Latina always wore a mask anyone got any wins
Stay in the 830 cringe boy blah blah blah kys
Nobody cares, self promoting pos lol
Fuck that stupid bitch.
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Anyone got any dakaitlyn or lexi
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Looking for hers
Someone drop the new christon v
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Jocelyne 95****807225
**** head ass nigga gtfo
Man somebody post some wins of Myriam
Her and her husband just split up i tried asking her ex husband but he wont sell em her Snapchat is ci0_0ci
Bruhhh lol 💀 but hell yea we need some asap
Post nudes next time
Post your mom next time shes fine
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anyone got more kristen rhymes with urek
Anyone got wins of Conlee Landry or Kelsey Garcia?
Wat about twins Megan and Morgan galindo
What about this white girl Kendall she loves that tune anything better than what I got here it is
What’s the last night rhyme with? I might have some. >>9137
Jennifer pena?
7254-7271. Did that whole thread get deleted?
Who got Kelsey Gonzales fine ass ?!
Any Danielle Stans?
Any of danielle Garcia or Erica nambo or Miranda Olguin
Anyone got ir3ne G@rcia
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Any on Gina delagarza she cheats on her dude ?
I didn’t kno Gina had a bf kuz we fucked 😂 she squirts alot I posted her already
Lol where
She’s never been posted he ain’t got shiiiiittttt
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Any on her Rebecca Padilla ?
Yea I did not on here on that group, u ain’t missing anything, I kno someone saved it kuz I didn’t
I find it funny u say I don’t have shit when I posted most on here, I kno U don’t have shit butt reruns
She’s looking pretty thick these days maybe someone can get new ones
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Jenny.. Good but Ugly fat hoe she’ll let you nut in her on the first date got good tight walls.
>>9428 You nasty af!!!
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Heather Ashleigh ass anyone else
Be nice to see her tits...
Fuck they are nice no picture tho anyone got her tits
Anyone got anymore of Heather Ashleigh
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Anyone got kaylee
Bump kristen T and maddi B
Anybody got Rosslynn E?
Damn whos that last picture?
Anything on Brandi Jackson ? Think she’s a realtor .
I have some of Brandi
Any Alyssa Olguin?
Let's see then
Any Faith M0ya?
I’m interested if you have more !
>>9719 I’ll take all ya have man !!!
>>8369 Is there a new code
>>9721 would pay to see that she’s so fine
Anything on kelli chapa
Would love to see Brooklyn or the Toy Story girl. L!nk?
need more like the second one
That's fucking child porn!
Yep, fucking and sucking to be exact
That one girl towards the end takes anal like a champ and enjoys it, good girl
I’ve got more Brandi but not posting until new stuff gets posted
>>9776 cool story bro, glad you came on here just to say that 🙄🤣
Who’s the one posting all the cp lol are they in the circle group chat ?
Any Skylar glasscock ? Alexis Faye ? Danielle Moreno ?
Damn wish the vids wouldn’t got deleted. lol
Anyone know where we can still find those videos??
>>9776 I have corpus ones for trade or we can message else where .
>>9782 What’s the link for the shape
Any Nadia Morin ?
Anyone got her?
Kaycee Daniels used to live in Victoria then moved to San Marcos
I have Monica Acosta and Claudia balboa anybody know how I can get in the circle to post
Any Hannah price…
⭕️URL + caps only QuickQuickAntsNotGonna24DanceDryRain
Link not working anyone know how to get in got Monica and Claudia balboa
>>9974 join(d o t)photocircleapp( d o t ) com/ QQ ANG 24 DDR
Yeah join their photo circle so you can get busted for *Redacted* , faggots
>>9974 Post that shit already or quit lying.
Any Jen P
Any Danielle stansbeery
Any, any , any, any , any… that’s all you fags do is any, any, post or stfu
Any ?
Does anybody have any?
I need some of any really !
I need anything much appreciated..!!!
Any of Snow White ?
Any on Oprah ?
Any on Mariah Garcia she fat and has a decent ass looks like loads of bread squished together much appreciated !
Quit asking yall bum ass pussys all that talk like yall got wins and always begging. Stop jacking off and get out there and get a real win!!
How do I get in the circle got abou 100 pics to post
It’s already posted here. Just look above
Add brenda-yadira2 on snapchat and get them nudes and post them on here lol
10115 where is the 100 pics
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Any on Gina ?
>>6964 What is the ladies name with the button down?
Any M0rgan A. C/O 2017? Lost a ton of her stuff switching phones
Any women that work at Formosa?
Anybody got Rosslynn? Works at Sam’s. Had some from the last time she left her BD and lost my phone. She single again, so they gotta be out there again
Any lee. A.n... shug.aa.r...t
Stfu bro, nobody is dumb enough…kys
Kelli C
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Edited last time by REDACTED on 04/14/2024 (Sun) 16:32:04.
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Syrena villela or summer villela Syrena2001- snapchat
Any Jenna Garcia
>>9975 Not working
