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that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Country girl Olivia H 09/07/2023 (Thu) 22:16:24 No. 223
did a photo shoot for my hubby!
im available ๐Ÿคฃ
>>234 he's all the man I need but enjoy the view ๐Ÿ˜˜
>>257 feel free to do a video showing he's all the man you need we'd all like to watch you be his milf slut
(179.73 KB 432x570 IMG_4097.jpeg)
>>259 hubby only takes the occasional photo when I ask, no videos. here's me in his favorite position. pretty sure he gave me our two kids this way but I always need him for at least 5 or 6 minutes with no condom when he's behind me. He's too good not to ๐Ÿคช
>>263 dayummmnn u really are a slut. arch that back like a pro!
>>263 sexy af
>>263 bump
>>263 bump
>>263 bet u enjoy a spit roasting
>>263 looks like a great ride
>>263 now thats a nice view. good on you for taking him with no condom, hope you let him cum in you sometimes. sounds like your a real whore for him. lucky man!!!
>>263 bump
>>265 he's given me lots of opportunities to practice ๐Ÿ˜˜ its secondhand nature now
>>270 thanks!
>>273 I've never tried or thought about it really. Hubby has stamina and he's on the larger size down there. I'm usually wiped out and super cuddly by the time he's done ๐Ÿคช I wouldn't be able to focus on someone else with hubby in me even if I wanted!
>>275 I work hard to give him a good view! ๐Ÿ˜˜ he's a gentleman and usually pulls out to put on protection or for me to finish him in my mouth. every now and then I don't let him because I need absolutely everything he has to give. He's getting snipped next year and I can't wait ๐Ÿ˜ˆ no more condoms ever again!
>>257 lol why you posting nudes if he's all you need
>>281 lost a bet with a friend and this is how I pay up
>>263 any more pics?!
>>263 total milf
>>282 tell your friend everyone here appreciates them lololol youโ€™re one banginโ€™ milf
>>279 milf like you that likes her hair yanked back when sheโ€™s getting dโ€”-ed could handle another. give it a try sometime. might be surprised how much you like it
>>284 not that I'm sharing ๐Ÿ˜˜
>>285 thanks!
>>287 I will, and thanks!
>>288 ๐Ÿ˜‚ I know a few guys who would like that but I'm good. hubby grabbing my hair while he's taking me from behind is already a little too hot to handle. especially when he's using our spreader bar and cuffs ๐Ÿฅต
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>>284 okay, last one! my fave from a shoot I did for hubby a few years ago.
>>296 that waist to ass ratio is ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿฅต perfect milf
>>296 fine ass milf
>>296 how many guys you park that sweet ass on before โ€œhubbyโ€ came along? sounds like youre a little harlot
>>296 he better be fucking you every night and keeping your slut pussy purring. milf as hot and horny as you could have any cock she wants.
>>297 I work hard for it!
>>296 u begging for a hard pounding. whats sluttiest thing u done ?
>>299 just two I slept with. made it to third base with three other guys. turned down a lot more!
>>303 we're consistent at two or three times a week. when the man you need also has the package you want and knows what you like the sex is so good you don't need it every night ๐ŸŽ‡ hubby would probably have me every day if I let him though ๐Ÿคญ
>>305 when I was 23 I had a fling for a few weeks with my 58 year old boss at the time. I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and he was a real silver fox type. very handsome and in great shape, also a super smooth talker. we went out for drinks one night and I got a little too tipsy and ended up blowing him in his car. next night he *Redacted*d me over and we had the best sex I'd ever had up to that point. he was way more experienced than me and made me cum twice before we even had sex. I wanted him so bad I took him without a condom. thankfully he'd had a vasectomy during his previous marriage so I dodged a bullet. anyways, we had sex almost every night for a few weeks and I blew him at least a dozen times in his office. he was finally honest with me and told me I needed to be with a guy closer to my own age and we ended things mostly on good terms. he ended up meeting someone shortly after and we slept together one last time a few nights before they got married. only talked to him once since and they eventually moved away. the whole relationship was wrong on so many levels but I think he's what I needed at the time so I've never felt guilty about it. but looking back I was definitely super slutty then ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>296 moms are always the best fucks. you look like a pro
>>296 looking comfortable on your knees must be on them a lot
Anything from hartsville
>>308 damn youre a whore for cum. best win he got bagging a hottie who likes to suck and get fucked with no protection and not even half his age.
>>310 hubby makes me want to be on my knees for him so it's easy ๐Ÿ˜˜
>>312 ๐Ÿ˜‚ I knew he was a bit of a womanizer going into it. when he *Redacted*d me for drinks I thought it'd be just a fun way to blow off steam with some teasing and flirting because he was so good at both. but he totally caught me off guard and knew exactly how to seduce me. after we hooked up in his car he told me he was genuinely surprised such a beautiful young woman like me would go for him and that he'd never gotten head so good. I don't know, it was nice to feel desired and sexy and powerful after feeling like neither for months. he took such good care of me in bed too that I enjoyed having him cum in me. he definitely brought out my inner slut ๐Ÿคฃ
>>308 lol he had all the self control to cut a girl like you loose. i would've stayed on that train as long as i could have
>>308 ur husband mustve freaked out hearing that story when u talked about ur pasts kinda hot kinda scary
>>316 he was very disciplined and assertive. he always knew when to take control and when to let me have it. I knew it wasn't going to last because our age difference but was sad when he ended it as early as he did. when we hooked up the last time right before he got remarried that was his slip up. only time i saw him lose self-control. I slept with him even though I knew i shouldn't but that made me realize he had tried to do the right thing with ending it when he did before either of us got attached and hurt. I respected his decision a lot more after that.
>>317 I was totally nervous when we had that talk but he didn't judge me at all! hubby hooked up with a few older women before we met. one of them was 56 and became his sugar mamma for a while. he showed me who she was. she's an objectively gorgeous woman and he was honest with me about their relationship and that they had cared about each other in an admiring sort of way. they had unprotected sex all the time, role played, did light bdsm and exotic positions. she taught him all the ways to get a woman off. he basically lived with her half the time because they were always having sex. so he was slutty in his past too ๐Ÿคฃ I actually ran into her at target during my first pregnancy. she recognized me immediately and tried to slip away but I introduced myself. she was super nervous but sweet and spoke highly of hubby and said I must be really special to catch him. I joked that I owed her a thank you for making him such a good lover and that lightened things up. we talked for a few more minutes and she was genuinely happy for us, even joked that if I ever needed a break she'd obviously be happy to take hubby off my hands for a night so I wouldn't have to worry about him knocking up another woman. he about had a heart attack when I got home and told him I ran into her though ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>296 how hard he fuck you after he saw this
>>318 he had u hooked on his cum its why u couldnt say no. no shame in being a cum slut
>>315 sounds like you knew he had a reputation and was trying to bag you. don't think you were caught off guard. seems like you wanted him to fuck you
>>321 haha maybe ๐Ÿค” he was definitely the first man I felt like I needed to cum in me. after I blew him that first night in his car I wanted more and when he came in me the next night and told me he was safe for it I never wanted him to use a condom even though he usually offered. I always felt so sexy and feminine when he came in me โ˜บ๏ธ i know he enjoyed it!
>>322 I told myself going out with him was just to flirt but maybe I knew something more would happen and I was trying to talk myself out of it going further ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was attracted to him before and he was always taking different women out and was super confident. him being over twice my age made me assume nothing would ever happen. but after drinks he asked me if I'd like to go to a park for a walk. we made it to the parking lot and I think we both knew we weren't going for a walk. I guess you're right and I subconsciously wanted to have sex with him. but I really didn't think it would ever happen going into it. like someone else said I guess I became his "cumslut" for a few weeks after that because all I could think about was having sex with him and making him cum ๐Ÿคช he tasted great and always made me feel like he was trying to breed me. it was way hotter than I thought it would be! okay I've been on here for a month and this is my last post. paid my dues for the bet I lost. This wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be. Maybe I'll do it again for fun sometime!
>>319 u should watch him bang her. horny milf like you would be a good little cuckquean watching her man cum in a hot gilf. or *Redacted* her to have a three way so he can breed you both seems like you both want it
>>324 you did yourself a favor letting him pump you full of his cum. Women in their 20s should all have an older man fucking them senseless for a time because theyโ€™ll show you what you like and make you love sex. youre a sexy milf whore for your husbandโ€™s dick today cause that old guy banged you into being a slut and made you feel sexy. Your husband should thank him for breeding you so thoroughly.
>>223 nude >>263 getting nailed from behind >>296 sexy milf
>>325 rofl dude sounds like what this slut milf wants is for this old dude to be her bull and breed her with her husband watching
>>327 this milf have an OF or anything? need to see some wins of her
>>319 she wasnt joking. sugar momma was still addicted to his cum and seeing you pregnant by his seed made her remember how much she depended on him. if you feel like you owe her give her what she wants and let your husband flood her full of cum one last time.
>>308 >>324 you a real hoochie! you knew he was banging chicks left and right and you sucked his cock and made him blow his load in you without knowing if he was clean or snipped? you really wanted to be on his fuck list. horny slut!
>>296 only way you could look more sexy is if 5 or 6 bbcs took you in a gang bang. looks like you could handle them bottoming out and filling you to the brim with their cum and would enjoy putting on a show for them.
>>332 yea this olivia milf would be even hornier than lena in her blacked movie. picture her in the middle of this instead
>>325 I had asked hubby if he ever daydreamed of her or missed her. He said he did every now and then but that she's a good memory in the past and laughed when I mentioned what she said about taking him off my hands for a night. we've never wanted to sleep with other people since we've been together. i told him since he has a higher libido than me, if he did need a little something more once or twice a year i'm open to at least talking about him and her. i dunno, a little part of me kinda wants to see him in action and how she responds. he's really loyal and self-controlled though and said he's perfectly satisfied with me. one of the reasons i love him so much and want to make him happy!
>>326 i don't think every younger woman should hook up with a super seasoned older man. my experience at least was that the sex was really really intense for a fling. some women don't like a man they're not with long-term penetrating so hard and deep that he's hitting her cervix over and over again. If I'm super turned on I adore it and he gave me several cervical orgasms but some women aren't made to handle that or don't like it when it feels like a man wants to knock her up. for me it was a super sensual experience though! he unleashed my wild side and I learned some of what I liked with him. i'm pretty sure he'd say hubby can thank him by always making sure I'm satisfied ๐Ÿค— he was a generous partner and always made sure I had a good time but he still doesn't compare to the intensity and power and stamina hubby brings to the bedroom ๐Ÿคช
>>328 not at all! he was fun but hubby is a whole different league than him. if I had to choose between the two I would totally pick watching hubby with his former sugar momma. he's so hot and she's in her 60s now but still gorgeous and a little part of me thinks it'd be fun to see if she can handle him now that he has even more experience and stamina now. he's a good memory but I would never go back old fling
>>330 based on what hubby's told me of her i think me and her have a lot of similarities with our sexual tastes. she was always begging him to cum in her and saying dirty things about breeding her even though she was past her childbearing years. i guess she was his cumslut before I was ๐Ÿ˜‚ when i ran into her she was very fascinated that I was pregnant with his child. maybe she wasn't joking as much as I thought she was and misses having him ๐Ÿค” hubby knows I'm willing to talk about it if he ever changes his mind.
>>331 not my smartest moment but part of his appeal I think was that he had gotten around and I wasn't looking for anything serious. I knew he had slept with at least 2 other women that year and the women in our office all thought he was a silver fox. I thought going out with him would just be a fun tease and before I knew it he had me blowing him in his car and loving every second of it. next night after he gave me the best oral and fingering I'd had and starting teasing me with his package I lost all control and pushed him into me. he tried to pull out before he came but i didn't let him. honestly the riskiness made everything feel hotter even though i knew it was reckless. after our first week together he told me he had been with 17 other women in his life and that just turned me on even more. started calling him daddy when we had sex and begging for his cum and he would call me his little slut and tell me what I liked. he opened up a whole side of my sexuality I didn't know I had and he told me out of all the women he'd been with I made him feel the most masculine ๐Ÿคฃ I was the youngest woman he'd had by a long shot after his divorce and we were totally using each other but yea those first two encounters at least were so reckless ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>263 bump
>>332 I appreciate you think I'm sexy enough to handle that many guys but I don't think group sex of any sort would be fun for me. maybe some women like it and thats okay but I don't think its for me. so i don't totally disappoint you ๐Ÿ˜‚my senior year of college I went to a party that got a little too wild. i was bumping and grinding with two black guys and they got me stripped down to my heels, panties and bra and I got them down to their boxers as we danced. there was definitely a lot fondling and some kissing with me between them and they were rock hard. they *Redacted*d me to a private room but I was just having fun dancing so we did that for a few more songs. the guy grinding on booty had some pre-cum and kept saying in my ear how much he wanted me. it was super hot but I didn't know either of them. probably the closest I ever got to what you want to see ๐Ÿคช
>>333 ๐Ÿคฃ put a little bit of clothes on with just 2 guys and this is more or less my little dance story. I only bump and grind on hubby now though and he gets to go all the way ๐Ÿ˜˜
>>341 how wet u get feeling those bbcs throbbing for u
>>341 how big they feel
>>344 pretty wet! the guy in front of me had his shaft up and was dry humping on my clit really good. I soaked my underwear after two songs and he told his friend behind me to feel how turned on I was and he slipped his hand into my panties and a finger into me for a few seconds. he probably would have kept going but I dont think he wanted his friend humping his hand ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>345 the guy in front was probably a little above average. the guy behind me was freaking gigantic. I could tell he was hung before his jeans were even off. I slid my hand over his boxers down his shaft a few times and thought oh this is what people mean when they say black guys are bigger ๐Ÿคฃ he popped his shaft out through his boxers the last song and poked between my cheeks just a tiny bit and asked me in my ear if I wanted his "mamba." that made me feel way more petite than I already am ๐Ÿ˜‚ it was a lot of fun but yea I didn't know either of them and they expected a threesome and I didnt want to go that far. we all still had a good time though!
>>346 so u only teased never had a bbc?
>>348 last semester of college I dated a black guy for a few months and blew him pretty regularly. he was so big I could never fully deepthroat him. and hands down the most cum Ive ever had to swallow or taken on my face and boobs ๐Ÿคช like sometimes it felt like I was chugging a small glass of water ๐Ÿคค he was a real stallion. tried to talk him into sex because I really did like him but he wanted to wait for marriage and I think we both knew we werenโ€™t spouse material for each other. all that to say I tried to jump on a bbc but he held out on me. always been a little sad about that but he was the first guy who knew what he was doing when he went down on me so that mostly made up for it ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>319 lol why was he hooking up with old women that not weird for u?
>>347 sorta sounds like u were halfway to getting fucked by them and wanted his bbc to destroy u
>>350 hubby has attracted women in their 40s-60s since before i knew him. like Ive watched older women see him from across the room at parties and events and just move to him like a magnet ๐Ÿฅต we're in our 30s and he gets approached now more than ever sometimes even when I'm next to him ๐Ÿ˜‚ I mentioned it to my mom last year and she said he puts out a vibe that he's super masculine but also sensitive and safe, the best male conversationalist she's met and that he looks like he'd be a "thrilling good time." basically told me she thought her son-in-law is super hot ๐Ÿคฃ but yea hubby hooked up with some older women before we met because he enjoyed their maturity and experience and the girls he'd dated in college were super clingy and needy and that annoyed him. I never thought it was weird, maybe even found it to be a little hot that sophisticated women couldnt resist him ๐Ÿคช
>>351 I mean yea if it had just been the one guy and he had protection I probably would have let him pound me into oblivion ๐Ÿคช i liked how gigantic his shaft felt in my hand and his big hands exploring me made me feel super sexy. they seemed pretty intent on a threesome though and I definitely wasn't interested in that. the free foreplay was fun though!
>>352 lololol youre totaly going to walk in on him banging ur mom and her begging for his cum one day
>>352 seems like your mom passed the whore gene down to you
>>352 cougars and gilfs see he's bagged and breeding a fine ass milf and they want him to pump them full of cum. whore him out for a hefty fee you'll get rich af
>>352 hows it feel knowing your moms fantasy is your husband fucking her
>>352 bet your dad likes knowing his wife wants to get boned by his son in law rofl
>>354 if her husband has a thing for gilfs and she looks like an older version of his milf wife he's probably already bagged her. why wait for the future when you can try it today
(5.74 MB 430x242 4653y253.gif)
>>263 like daughter >>352 like mother
>>360 nice tag dirty Tina even looks like she could be her mom
>>356 ๐Ÿ˜‚ now thats an idea! hubby did have his sugar momma once so he at least had a starting rate ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>357 ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ I cant help hubby is hot. sheโ€™d never act on it and if she did heโ€™d decline. Iโ€™m not worried!
>>358 dad thinks its hilarious and isnt threatened by it. he thinks hubby is the best too ๐Ÿ˜Š
>>359 okay I look like a younger version of my mom so now Iโ€™m a little worried ๐Ÿคฃ jk ๐Ÿ˜‚ i may be hooked on hubby but heโ€™s addicted to having sex with me too. heโ€™s had lots of chances to sleep around but isnโ€™t tempted at all
>>360 awww thats cute. she looks like sheโ€™s having a good time ๐Ÿ˜‚ hubby is way more fit and intense than that though. โ€œdirty tinaโ€ would feel much better taken care of with him. that guy knows how to pull a girls hair tho ๐Ÿ˜˜ I hope I look that good when Iโ€™m >>360 >>360
>>360 I hope I look as good as her when Iโ€™m older though! she has a killer figure and knows how to work that booty ๐Ÿ˜‚
>>329 These pics are of Capri Cavalli
